Creating an Event Listing
1. Submission Form
Submitting your event is simple! All you have to do is go to Calendar > Add Your Event on the menu. Once you log in or register an account, you will be directed to a form:
1. Event Title
2. Event Description
You can add a colorful description for your event, with access to styling tools like bolding and alignment.
3. Event Start & End
Select when your event starts and when it will end.
4. Recurrence Rules
Schedule multiple events, with different recurrence options. For more information, scroll down to the next section.
5. Event Image
An image can be uploaded for your event. Please try to keep your image sizes small as to not overload the servers on busy days. Click Choose File to select the file you would like to upload. When you have selected your file, click Open at the bottom of the window.
6. Event Categories
You can select one or more categories for your event. Pick your categories carefully – it will determine how your event is listed under the Related Events section of the event listing page. Categories are set up by the site’s administrative team. If you have an idea for a category that is not listed, please contact us.
7. Event Categories
Type in tags that represent your event and separate them with commas.
8. Venue Details
If your organization doesn’t appear in the Saved Venues list, enter the information about your venue so it can appear there for others to use. Remember to provide the phone number and website for the venue owner, not your own personal information! You can enter that information under the next section.
9. Organizer Details
Enter your organization’s contact information if it isn’t stored in the list of saved organizations. For more information, scroll down to the section titled “Organizers and Venues.”
10. Event Website
11. Event Cost
No need to worry about adding the dollar sign! That’s put in place under “Currency Symbol” (I know, it’s weird). If you set the cost, it will appear in its own section on the event’s listing page and on list-type view modes.
When you’re done, click “Submit Event” and voila!
2. Recurrence Rules and Exclusions
There are 6 types of Recurrence Rules for your event listings. Remember – you can add multiple recurrence rules to an event!
- Date
Set a specific date that the event will appear on. For example: If you want to create an event that happens once on a Monday, a Wednesday, and a Friday, you can set the event to Monday and set two Date Recurrence Rules for Wednesday and Friday. That way, you don’t have to set the event three times!
- Every Day
Set this event to happen every day until it ends on a certain date, after a set amount of events, or never. Don’t set it to never!
- Every Week
Set this event to happen using the same on, after, and never rules. Think about your audience when creating weekly events! It’s a good idea to make an event listing for a class that’s open to the public. It isn’t a good idea to create an event listing for a private council meeting.
- Every Month
Use this Recurrence Rule for monthly, public events like fundraisers or inter-organizational meetings. It also uses the on, after, or never rules.
- Every Year
This is great if your organization has a big, yearly fundraising event that’s open to the public. A good example of this is the Southern Oregon Kite Festival.
- Custom
This setting is a little more advanced. First, you select when the event will end, using the on, after, or never rules from earlier. Then, you select the Frequency – if it’s daily, if it happens weekly on specific days at specific different times, if it is monthly, or if it is yearly.
If a recurring event does not happen on a specific planned day (due to holidays, vacations, or illness), you can add Exclusions to your Recurrence Rules. Exclusions follow similar rules the above rules. You can set specific exclusion dates, exclusion weeksn, months, years, or advanced custom settings.
Finally, you can add a Recurrence Description to enter a custom description about how often you meet. You don’t have to do this, but it’s recommended if you’re using a lot of Recurrence Rules and Exclusions.
3. Organizers and Venues
When creating event, you have to include information about the organization/s hosting the event and information about the event’s venue. This information is saved so that the next time you – or others – create an event listing at the same venue, the process of creating the event goes by much faster. These are called Saved Venues. Here’s an example:
The Oregon Catchers submit an event for an art class at the Chetco Activity Center. Two weeks later, they are hosting a different event – this time, an arts exhibition. The arts exhibition is also taking place at the Chetco Activity Center.
Instead of entering the venue’s information, the person creating the event finds “Chetco Activity Center” in a list of Saved Venues. By not having to enter the same information twice, creating the event goes by much faster!
Months later another organization, a college sports unofficial fan club, decides to submit a listing for their fundraising event at Chetco Activity Center. While creating an event, the avid sports fan finds the Chetco Activity Center in the list of saved venues. Creating the event goes by much faster.
Venue information isn’t the only type of data saved when creating an event. When you enter an organization’s information, that info is included in a list of Saved Organizers. Here’s an example of their usage:
The Oregon Catchers and the college sports club from earlier decide to team up to create a community event. A representative from the Oregon Catchers is designated to post the event onto this website, but doesn’t know the sports club’s contact information. In this case, the representative doesn’t have to – both organizations are listed under Saved Organizations and the event is created in no time!
When you use Saved Venues and Organizations, you are contributing to that venue/organization’s page on our site. By clicking on the name of the venue/organization on any events page, you can view all of the events that are related to that venue/organization.
You are also participating in a community of networkers and collaborators. Not only is it easier to post events with multiple organizers – you’re also working together to flesh out a database of organizers and venues in your community and making the act of sharing an event easier for